“If you truly care about being happy in your life and successful in your work, you have little choice. You have to become the author of your own ‘script’, one written by your heart, not one directed by your society.”
Something struck me yesterday when doing my morning reading and research. Self-awareness is realizing there is no opponent - you're fighting against yourself.
And so I offer you this:
Accept who you are in this moment and acknowledge who you want to become.
Make a list of the qualities that are truly important to you now.
BE that list.
Taking action is transformative. It takes you forward. Neuroscience confirms what we believe in our minds drives our behavior and affects our emotions. When you change your thoughts, you change your actions. Ruminating in the past and negativity induces fear and inaction. And you have choice. Give yourself permission to motivate yourself with a positive strategy towards your goals... your dreams. This commitment will generate positive feelings and the forward momentum to take each step and meet each challenge with adaptability and resilience.
Accept. Create. Act.
BE the author of your own script.
It's go time and I know you've got this!
Need help? Feeling stuck? Or have you had some successes? Or a recent breakthrough?
Either way, drop me a line.
I'd love to hear from you.